The Body Draws Circles is an ongoing collaboration between Hannah Loewenthal & Hege Gabrielsen (NO). A Place for Dance Meetings between North & South

2018 -Circulation: A Walking Performance with The Body Draws Circles & Naturnærvær i Kunsten in collaboration with Ella Fiskum. Location: R.E.D, Nyland Gård, NO Norway

I want to talk with you about circulation. Here we are in this body. Blood is circulating, heart is pumping….approximately eighty beats per minute, one hundred and fifteen thousand, two hundred beats per day. Breath breathing, leaves falling, feet finding. Breath circulating out of me and into you and out of you and into me. And us, on this earth spinning; turning around the sun approximately three hundred and sixty five days per cycle. And the moon circulating the earth, and all the planets circulating. This is a revelation! They call it evolution. Light years away and right here now.We could have a revelation and laugh it away, pretend it’s not happening but you see it is. Time is slipping through your fingers and through mine; slipping away like silver water being sucked down a silver drain. This is a vortex, a vibration, an invitation.This is happening whether we like it or not. We are hot. The planet is circulating, molecules are agitating, this is no joke, this is evolution, a revolution, a fire. This is urgent because life needs you to say yes and to say no and to say yes to heart pumping and breath bursting and wind brushing, my skin and your skin and the skin of our children and our childrens’ children and their children. Time is turning and telling us now.


2017 Across Currents. Scenehuset, Oslo,Norway

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2016 Moving The Landscapes of Now. Oslo,Norway